Monday, December 15, 2014

The Transformation Of Gender Identity That Resulted In Herbivore Men

Chapter 1

A.    Background of the Study

One of the more conservative and culture-based countries in Asia is Japan.  Also known as “The Land of the Rising Sun,” Japan is a haven of culture and arts which makes this small country proud of its heritage.  Throughout its history, Japan had managed to overcome various adversities by being resilient from internal and external variables.  In addition, the strong sense of nationalism among the Japanese paved way to an onward development, which in turn, led to Japan’s rise to power.

Now one aspect that the Japanese values the most is culture.  Along with this are the various dominant traditions which served as strict guidelines to them.  These dictate how one must act and live his life; hence, becoming major considerations for their way of living.

In relation to this, a well-defined gender system is implemented in Japan.  Men and women are expected to play different roles based on society’s standard.  In a study by Ms. Kitamura Yuko entitled, Gender Equality Dilemma in Japanese Society: How Traditional Idea s Affect both Women and Men, she explained that;

In a nutshell, men assume an assertive role in daily activities while women are more involved in child care” (

This is a direct evidence of the existing strong patriarchal system in their society.I have come across an article by Ms. Bell Hooks entitled, Understanding Patriarchy.  Ms. Hooks said that;

Patriarchy is a political-social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that dominance through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence (

Patriarchal system is prevalent in almost all aspects of Japanese society – family, community, work, etc.  Ms. Meiko Makita in her study, Gender Roles and Social Policy in an Ageing Society: The Case of Japan further discussed that;

Traditionally, Japanese women have been encouraged and expected to take on care responsibilities, whilst men fulfil their role as breadwinners and providers of the needs of the family to ensure that the wellness of all (

Such gender roles exist in Japan.  Furthermore, this is an affirmation of how Japanese men and women still locate themselves in the household setup, at the least.But in the present time, this patriarchal system is challenged by the emergence of the gender group labelled as, “Herbivore Men” or “sôshokukei danshi” in Japanese language.  I have encountered a paper by Ms. Christina Akiko Tamaru entitled, The Herbivorous Men of Japan: Negotiating New Masculinities.  In her paper, Ms. Tamaru explained that;

The herbivore men consist of young, heterosexual guys who are in their 20s-30s and choose not to commit in any intimate or sexual relationships with the opposite sex.  They focus more on recreational and leisure activities and devote more time on their hobbies instead of interacting with the opposite sex (

These herbivores deviate from the traditional Japanese males, who are, by virtue, upholding the salarymen stature.  Further, Ms. Emma Furbo Vig in her study, The Herbivore and the Salaryman: New and Old Masculinities in Japanese Idol Productions explained that;

This type of man is not interested in women and sex and does not wish to step in as a salaryman in the Japanese business life, but would rather live a hedonistic life of consumption and focus on his own hobbies and other activities he deems important(

Now Mr. Masahiro Morioka’s research entitled, A Phenomenological Study of Herbivore Men provided a thorough account of these herbivores.  His research focused on understanding the difference of this new breed of males to traditional Japanese men.  According to Mr. Morioka;

From 2008 to 2009 the phrase herbivore men was widely taken up by the mass media and in the process its meaning was extended (

In his study, he also listed the general characteristics that surfaced among his participants (herbivore men).

These traits are in direct contrast to the traditional characteristics possessed by Japanese males.  Masculinity in Japan runs deep to its historical roots.  Most Japanese men still believe that their primary familial role is to provide economic support; thus, they do not pay too much attention to their responsibility of participating in childcare.

Moreover, Ms. Kitamura Yuko explained in her study, Gender Equality Dilemma in Japanese Society: How Traditional Idea s Affect both Women and Men that;

A number of Japanese fathers ensure their masculinity at home and indulge less in housework because they are overworked at their jobs, which are the usual characteristics of salaryman (

Given the current condition that herbivore men face in Japan, more and more scholars have become, and are still are, interested in conducting various studies related to this gender group.  These conducted researches focused on the psychological aspect of these herbivores in order to fully understand their cognitive stance.  Some of these researches centered on historical data to compare traditional Japanese and herbivore men.   However, other factors that resulted in the transformation or shift in gender identity of Japanese males may have been insufficiently considered, if not overlooked.
In this regard, this study will attempt to explain this transformation with consideration to the economic, social, and psychological areas of Japanese society.  This research will also identify the different factors present in the mentioned areas that greatly influenced the said transformation.

B.     Statement of the Problem

What Factors caused the transformation that resulted in Herbivore Men?

C.    Significance of the Study

Researchers, Scholars, and Academic Practitioners.  This study will be useful as reference to future researches done in the academe regarding gender roles.  Knowledge derived from this paper may serve as foundation in the pursuit of understanding about Japan’s Herbivore Men.  Aside from this, this research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge in relation to understanding gender and sexuality, in particular.

Lawmakers and Law Enforcers.  In essence, findings of this research may serve as basis for some lawmakers in drawing up gender-sensitive rules and regulations intended to promote individual welfare and development.  Parallel to this, this research may also be used as a reference for law enforcers to implement these rules and regulations with utmost understanding of gender and sexuality; hence, ensuring fairness and upholding justice.

Media Practitioners.  In general, result of this paper may influence media practitioners in how they portray men and women, may it be in radio, TV, print, or social media.  In this regard, this study may be utilized to design a more gender-sensitive approach in media, as a whole.

D.    Scope and Delimitation

This research only focused on the economic, gender, and social factors that resolved in the transformation of gender identity in herbivore men.  Other factors, such as political influences, among other related variables were not looked at in this research.

The study also focused on herbivore men alone.  Other breeds of men, in the present time, were not studied due to the concentration of the paper’s overall theme.

Because of time constraints, only internet-based resources have been used as reference in this paper.  Bulk of these references came from Japanese scholars with only a handful of western studies included.  Moreover, no interviews with actual members of sôshokukei danshi were employed.

Furthermore, the research was not actually conducted due to the purpose to which this paper is intended for; hence, no research methodology is proposed.

E.     Definition of Terms

1.   Herbivore Men – A type of man who is not interested in women and sex and does not wish to step in as a salaryman in the Japanese business life, but would rather live a hedonistic life of consumption and focus on his own hobbies.

2.   Sôshokukei danshi­ – The Japanese translation of Herbivore Men.

3.   Salaryman – A symbol of the ubiquitous everyman, the kigyo senshi or corporate warrior, without whom the post-World War II economic miracle would not have been possible, and who was (and still is) both the beneficiary and the victim of its fallouts.

4.   Gender Identity – Refers to “one’s sense of oneself as male, female, or transgender.

5.   Transformation – The various factors/ aspects that this research utilized to explain the transformation that resulted to the emergence of herbivore men.  This also encompasses the various aspects of the society that the researcher looked into in order to explain the relevance of the herbivore men in Japanese society.

·         The Economic status – Variables in Japan’s economic system, such as purchasing power and employment, which were observed in this paper.

·         Women’s Influence – Variables present in Japanese females that were deemed influential to the emergence of herbivore men.

·         Japanese Society – Variables in Japan’s social structure, such as family, peers, and media that were looked observed in this paper.

Chapter 2

What factors caused the transformation that resulted in Herbivore Men?

I.       The Japanese Herbivore Men

The sôshokukei danshi or herbivore men are a group of young Japanese males who, in general, deviate from the traditional standard of masculinity in Japan.  These herbivore men claim to be heterosexual despite the fact that they do not engage in neither intimate nor sexual relationships with women.  Instead, these males focus on their hobbies and other leisure activities, such as video games, fashion, manga, etc. which in turn, changes their perspective and obedience in following the strict gender roles in Japan – men are seen as carnivores (aggressive) while women as herbivores (passive).  Moreover, Japanese men follows the strict salaryman culture, which identifies their duties and responsibilities in the society; thus, dictating how one must act.

And although the emergence of the sôshokukei danshi definitely posed great threat to Japanese masculinity, some social groups have viewed their existence as an added-value to the ever-changing time.  For them, these herbivores offered an alternative into the stiff social structure of Japan.  Not only that, some also considered the sôshokukei danshi as the new beta males of Japan, which may be brought about by external factors no longer controlled by the Japanese.  In this regard, this section will provide a thorough discussion with the various positive benefits that the herbivore men provide to their society.

II.    The Herbivores’ Significance

A.    The Economic Status

One factor that may have led to the transformation of herbivore men is Japan’s economic status.  In Japan, males are perceived as more important and representing compared to women, in terms of labor force.  The salaryman system has been the standard practice among men since this structure played a vital role in reviving Japan’s struggling economy.

Ms. Aulia Dwi Nastiti’s paper entitled, Redefining the Concept of Counter Culture: Study Case of Soushokukei Danshii provided more inputs to how herbivore men feel about the salaryman structure.  According to her;

Result of some studies revealed that herbivore men are trying to refuse the conservative views in some aspects.  Soshokukei danshii show their dislike toward the salary-man routines with overtime works and hierarchical occupation as fundamentally unsatisfying, as simply a doorway to a monotonous life of small rewards, so they prefer part-time jobs while pursuing and not compromising their passions, dreams, and aspirations (  

In a nutshell, this affirmation simply explains why herbivore men came to be.In Japan, the purchasing power has been greatly attributed to the female force.  Most women are expected to be housewives.  And part of their activities includes grocery shopping and buying the needs of their children at school.  Aside from this, women are also beauty conscious.  This means that health and beauty products are commodities deemed as both a need and want for them.  But with the emergence of the herbivore men, the trend differed.

I have come across an article by Mr. Brian Solsberg entitled, The New Japanese Consumer.  In this article, Mr. Solsberg pointed out that;

After decades of behaving differently, Japanese consumers suddenly look a lot like their counterparts in Europe and the United States.  Japanese consumers are changing not only what they buy but also the manner on how they buy it.  They also prefer to spend time in malls (

This may be anxiety-driven due to the fact that Japan is in an economic downturn.  In addition, Japanese are devoting more time at work compared at home which may decrease their time for other activities.Now in a study by Mr. Kyojiro Kagenuma entitled, Grass Fed 2: Herbivore Men and Japan’s Troubling Economy, he discussed that;

The average Herbivore man can earn 6 million Yen annually; after income tax, this would yield 3.6 million Yen or $36,000 net, which amounts to 300,000 Yen or $3000 monthly.  Deduct monthly cost of living at the outskirts of Tokyo, which is 120,000 Yen, the Herbivore Man will still have a disposable income of 180,000 Yen, or $1800 - about 5 times more disposable income than if he was married (

In simple terms, this means that these herbivores are more capable than traditional men in terms of purchasing power.  Since the herbivore men also prioritize health and wellness, as they are very conscious with the way they look, beauty products intended for men’s use are a booming commodity in Japan.  And based on Mr. Solsberg article, he furthered stated that;

The emergence of a new generation with radically different attitudes is another reason for the change in market priorities among companies and suppliers (

In support of this, Mr. Kagenuma still in his study, Grass Fed 2: Herbivore Men and Japan’s Troubling Economy, further explained that;

In fact, though Japan's marketplace has traditionally catered to women, the Herbivore men are becoming a growing consumer market in Japan with many products that are specifically designed for them.  If this trend continues, then we should see a shift in purchasing power from women to men.  What this would do is create new products and services that are uniquely male-oriented, just as video games had been uniquely male for the best part of 30 years (

Now if this trend continues, then the sôshokukei danshi will not just change how commercial companies think, but may also create economic opportunities for people along the process.  A simple economic logic: if the demand over a certain good or service increases, then the supply should increase as well.  To do so, companies will have to increase production, which means requiring more man-power that will most likely lead to employment.  The herbivore men have truly become major players as consumers and in the process; help sustain the harmonious economic balance of their country.

B.     Women’s Influence

Another reason for the herbivores emergence may be attributed to the opposite sex  females.It could be said that men are not only the ones who have undergone transformation.  Just like the males, Japanese women also reacted to the reversal of roles in their society.  Since herbivore men tend to act as passive, women transform into becoming the aggressive ones.  This paved way and opened a new dimension to the female species as well.  Moreover, this change brought positive change into the way women live and feel.

I have come across an article by Prof. Jhana Bach entitled, From Boxed-In Daughters to Carnivore Women: Using Gender Metaphors in the Classroom.  In this article, Prof. Bach discussed that;

The shift in masculinity made famous by grass-eating men seems to have given rise to a corresponding shift in femininity, engendering carnivore females, women who are straightforward about getting what they want (

This implies that Japanese women have become assertive in their own way, veering away from tradition like the herbivore men; hence, becoming carnivore women.Prof. Bach also mentioned that;

A carnivore woman pursues whatever she wants like a predator, whether it is sex or career success. Carnivorous women are looked upon as 99.9% undesirable.  These ladies are interested in relationships, and are pro-active enough to go out and seek them even without the approval of other people (

With this description, it can be said that the traits of the conventional Japanese males and females have indeed reversed.  However, unlike the case of the herbivores, changes in Japanese women may have been considered positive in their country.  Women are now empowered to make informed decisions, which in turn promote gender equality in Japan’s society.Now emergence of carnivore women should not solely be blamed to the herbivores, and vice-versa.  Bear in mind that there is a mutual influence of one gender group to the other that led to said transformation.

C.    Japanese Society

The last culprit for the emergence of herbivore men is none other than the society itself.  Unlike other Asian countries, Japan’s society, which integrates culture and tradition, has a high regards to the various norms and mores established since time immemorial.  In reality, these traditions are strictly observed and practiced even in the present time.  Moreover, these standards have become the guide for the Japanese daily-to-day activities.

I have come across Mr. Meiko Makita’s study entitled, Gender Roles and Social Policy in an Ageing Society: The Case of Japan.  According to Mr. Makita;

Traditionally, Japanese women have been encouraged and expected to take on care responsibilities, whilst men fulfill their role as breadwinners in the family (  In a way, this stiff statement could be the main reason why herbivore men came to

The salaryman structure, as discussed above, may also be another social factor that greatly influenced the herbivore men.  Since salaryman is a dominant power player in the Japanese society, there would always come a time that a certain external or internal force may challenge this.  In a study by Ms. Nastiti entitled, Redefining the Concept of Counter-culture: Study Case of Soushoku Danshi Culture in Japanese Contemporary Society, she thoroughly explained that;

Counter-culture appeared to be the way to mark an oppositional position to a dominant power. A countercultural movement is indicated by the expression of ethos, aspirations, and dreams of a specific population during a well-defined era as mode of resistance to social control exercised by the superior(

With this kind of description, it could be said that the existence of the herbivore men is an indirect way of Japanese males to counter the prevalent and dominant salaryman.  Moreover, an article by Mr.Kyojiro Kagenuma entitled, Grass Fed – An Explanation of Herbivore Culture is in direct support to Ms. Nastiti’s claim.  Mr. Kagenuma stated that;
The Herbivore Men is a culture that rejects traditional Japanese way of life in favour of individual happiness instead (

In a way, society is really the dictating factor with regard to the emergence of the herbivore men.  Society incorporates both the inside and outside factors that may have been key to the said transformation.

The sôshokukei danshi is a unique gender group that may have been overly discriminated.  Deviation from social roles may be a form of social suicide but certainly does not equate to negligence whatsoever.  And although herbivore men are in direct contrast to what traditional Japanese men stand for, their existence is vital to their changing society.


In a nutshell the three factors mentioned above are the dominant areas which truly affected and resulted to the transformation of herbivore men.  However, it should be noted that these are not the only factors that one must consider in dealing with this unique sex group.

Findings of this research showed that the Japanese salaryman system had aa huge impact as to why sôshokukei danshi came to be.  The deviation from this social structure was seen as a form of alternative for the herbivore men to truly express themselves.  In turn, they were able to focus their attention to other things, such as purchasing and shopping, among other economic activities which made them one of the growing consumers in the market.

Results of this paper clearly showed how the female sex group impacted the emergence of the herbivore men.  The mutual influence of these two groups with one another, in the changing time, played an important role in the reformation of ideologies and practice in Japan.  Furthermore, this research had noted that emergence of the empowered Japanese women should not be genuinely attributed to the herbivore men, and vice-versa.

The findings of this research also discovered that Japanese society itself could be considered as the main culprit for the transformation that resulted in sôshokukei danshi.  The strict culture and tradition of Japan may have been the pivotal factor as to why Japanese men opt to find alternative way of living.  Moreover, this research also recognized that external factors beyond the control of the Japanese society may have also triggered and influence the transformation among herbivore men.

Chapter 3


This paper attempted to determine the factors which caused the transformation that resulted in Herbivore Men.  This research employed a descriptive analysis in order to resurface relevant information and data regarding the Sôshokukei danshi.  Through this, the researcher was able to answer the research question.  The findings of this study are the following:

1.      Japan’s overall economic status was seen as a major factor for the emergence of the herbivore men.  The salaryman system among Japanese males was identified as a pivotal aspect to the herbivore’s choice of living.  Moreover, it was noted that this unique gender group (herbivore men) is becoming a power player in commercial markets; thus, concretizing their role in Japan’s economy.
2.      Herbivore men were also influenced by the opposite sex.  The reversal of roles paved way to choice, which then led to the assertiveness of women with regard to what they want.  And with this, the choice of men veered away from tradition.  They also pursued what they think is best for them.
3.      The strong and strict culture and tradition of Japan is the ultimate factor for the transformation/ emergence of the herbivore men.  Herbivore men deviate from the gender roles because of internal and external aspects beyond the control of their society.  It could even be said that herbivore men rejects traditional Japanese way to make way for their own happiness.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are made:
1.      The factors which influenced the existence of herbivore men are attributed to economy, gender, and society.  These three (3) areas are all interconnected and compliment one another as determinants to the way herbivore men make choices, acts in the society, and live in general.
2.      In understanding herbivore men, it is important to understand that they reject and resist Japanese tradition, most especially the salaryman system.  In this way, one will readily know that herbivore men are different, in almost all aspects (e.g., masculinity), from conventional men.


After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher makes the following suggestions/ recommendations:

1.      Since the research only looked at economic, gender, and social factors in understanding the emergence of the herbivore men, it is strongly encouraged to look at other areas, such as politics, in studying this unique gender group.

2.      The study was very descriptive in nature; therefore, the researcher recommends utilizing other forms of analysis in studying the herbivore men.  A good way would be to compare other gender groups, within or outside the Japanese context, to the sôshokukei danshi.

3.      Since time is an essential factor in research, the researcher suggests allotting more time to prepare the study.  In addition, the study would be more comprehensive if actual conduct was done, such as in-depth interviews to members of this gender group.

4.      In terms of resources, the researcher recommends using other form of reference materials (e.g., books, journal articles, etc.) to cull more credible information with regard to the topic being studied.


Bach, J. (2011). From Boxed-In Daughters to Carnivore Women: Using Gender Metaphors in the Classroom. Retrieved 14 December 2014 from

Dasgupta, R. (2000). Performing Masculinities? The ‘Salaryman’ at Work and Play. University of Western Australia. Retrieved 27 November 2014 from

Hooks, B. (nd). Understanding Patriarchy. Louisville Radical Lending Library. Retrieved 27 November 2014 from

Kagenuma, K. (2014). Grass Fed 2: Herbivore Men and Japan's Troubling Economy. Retrieved 14 December 2014 from

Kagenuma, K. (n.d.). Grass Fed – An Explanation of Herbivore Culture. Retrieved 14 December 2014 from

Makita, M. (2010). Gender Roles and Social Policy in an Ageing Society: The Case of Japan. University of Glasgow. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life. United Kingdom. Retrieved 27 November 2014 from

Morioka, M. (2013). A Phenomenological Study of Herbivore Men. Osaka Prefecture University. Retrieved 27 November 2014 from

N.a. (2011). Definition of Terms: Sex, Gender, Gender identity, Sexual Orientation. American Psychological Association. Retrieved 27 November 2014 from

Nastiti, A. D. (n.d.). Redefining the Concept of Counter-culture: Study Case of Soushoku Danshi
Culture in Japanese Contemporary Society. Retrieved 14 December 2014 from

Salsberg, B. (2010). The new Japanese consumer. Retrieved 14 December 2014 from

Tamaru, C. A. (2012). The “Herbivorous” Men of Japan: Negotiating New Masculinities. Whitman College. Retrieved 27 November 2014 from

Vig, E. F. (2012). The Herbivore and the Salaryman: New and Old Masculinities in Japanese Idol Productions. Lunds University – Department of Communication and Media. Retrieved 27 November 2014 from

Yuko, K. (2008). Gender Equality Dilemma in Japanese Society: How Traditional Idea s Affect both Women and Men. Bunkyo University. International Studies Bulletin Vol. 19 No. 1. Retrieved 27 November 2014 from

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blogpost 8: Moving Forward

There is a popular saying that goes: “All good things must come to an end.”  And our discussions on Japan’s unique gender group herbivore men are no exception.  Now that we have finally reached the end of our journey, I think that it is only fitting to put things in their proper order, once and for all.   
By now I can claim that we have truly known the herbivore men by heart.  I can even say that we were able to squeeze out the tiniest details from the discourses we had about them.  We learned their social and gender identity, grasped the issues surrounding them, and understood their role in the Japanese society.  I would like to believe that I was able to present facts and provide impartial discussions about them.  And from these, I can bravely conclude that we have succeeded in putting together every piece of the puzzle.
And so for my final entry, allow me to focus my discussion on one vital component present in all of my blogposts – perspective.  This is the time to hear the side of the scrutinized.  It is the moment to hear the voice of the herbivores.
Let me begin by saying that no matter how hard we put into trial the herbivore men, and no matter how long our discussions go, it will all boil down to this simple logic: Herbivore men are here to stay.
In my previous blogposts, it is evident that the emergence of these herbivores is very unprecedented.  Their existence is a direct counter-culture to the dominant salary men culture in Japan. I have encountered Ms. Aulia Dwi Nastiti’s study entitled, "Redefining the Concept of Counter-culture: Study Case of Soushoku Danshi Culture in Japanese Contemporary Society". According to Ms.Nastiti, 

Counter-culture appeared to be the way to mark an oppositional position to a dominant power. A countercultural movement is indicated by the expression of ethos, aspirations, and dreams of a specific population during a well-defined era as mode of resistance to social control exercised by the superior.”  She further discussed that, “Contrasted to the expectation of their parents for them to be married and have job with steady incomes, many young men see marriage as restriction to their freedom.

Now from this viewpoint, it can be said that these herbivores aim for independence.  I think that their deviation from Japanese culture was majorly influenced by the strict norms.  In simple words, they got sick and tired of the cultural and societal expectations that Japan has towards them.  They merely wanted to get out of their cage.
Now Ms. Nastiti’s claim was supported by an article written by Mr. Joel Kotkin entitled, "Beware the Herbivore Effect".  In this article, Mr. Kotkin said that, 

Japan's herbivores are more interested in comics, computer games and socializing through the Internet than building a career or even seeking out the opposite sex.  Now if we take a good look at this statement, we can pull out a hidden factor important to the herbivores – leisure.  Firm to my earlier claim that herbivore men seek independence, I believe that Mr. Kotkin’s statement is an indirect affirmation of this.  Engaging in leisure activities is a method by which people get rid of their stress.  In this way, we feel refresh and ready to take on the road ahead of us.  We feel strong, confident, and free. Another supplement to this claim was an article by Mr. Kyojiro Kagenuma entitled, "Grass Fed - An Explanation of Herbivore Culture".  Mr. Kagenuma mentioned that, “The Herbivore Men is a culture that rejects traditional Japanese way of life in favour of individual happiness instead.  Mr. Kagenuma’s statement is a strong declaration of what herbivore men are really fighting for – happiness.


The point of all my blogpost boils down to these important factors change, acceptance and respect. As I mentioned before change is inevitable. It is a constant part of life. Fact is not all change is for the better but all change is vital. After change acceptance should follow. Without acceptance then change is pointless but acceptance is also the hardest value ti imbibe. Since most of us are afraid to welcome change then it is also hard for us to accept. Hard but not impossible. Finally we have respect. Now this is the desired outcome. This is what everybody wants but the thing is respect is a two way process. To earn respect we must also give respect. Easy as that. The Herbivore Men of Japan embodied all these three factors. They have changed the Japanese society and culture dramatically Their emergence and existence could be said that is in the process of acceptance and ultimately they seek and desire respect from other people. All of these for what?

Happiness. I believe that this is the most important factor that we should consider in this journey. They only wanted to be happy. To be free. Most of the time, we tend to forget how hard we try just to achieve happiness and I guess that goes the same with herbivore men. We placed them into scrutiny. Studied them academically but we forgot to feel them emotionally. I guess their pursuit of happiness is what kept them going all this time. Because I know for a fact that by being genuinely happy. We will be ablle to fully move forward.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Blogpost 7: Love

The journey towards rediscovering Japan’s gender culture is nearing its end.  From herbivore men to carnivore women Japan has truly undergone a drastic transformation in terms of defining gender and societal roles.  And looking back the discussions about these two gender groups became very extensive and comprehensive in order to resurface and grasp the different viewpoints about them.  But judging from my previous blogposts I believe that there is still one thing missing in the areas that we have covered so far love and marriage. 
Herbivore men claim that it is by choice that they do not commit to relationships nor engage in sexual intercourse.  In turn one of the major effects of this behavior is the low population in Japan that may also be attributed to the absence of marriage. This blogpost will attempt to explain this phenomenon. We will look at the different factors influencing this behavior among herbivore men.  We will also gaze upon the culture of courtship and marriage.  By doing this I believe that we may find a way to fill the gaps between herbivore men and carnivore women.

I.     Dating A Japanese

In Japan there is popular way of expressing one’s admiration towards the opposite sex.  This is somehow similar to the western concept of Valentine’s Day.  As most of us know Valentine’s Day is celebrated every 14th of the year during the month of February.  This event is a day to honor love and is devoted to all couples around the world.  Common practice on this occasion involves chocolate and flower giving.  This is a simple direct way for men to express their love towards women.  Now how is Valentine’s Day similar or different in Japan?I have come across an article written by Mr. Zack Sultan entitled "Traditional Japanese Dating".According to Mr. Sultan Valentine’s Day or Japan’s men-receive-chocolate-from-multiple-females for reasons of either love or obligation day has become as much a part of Japanese culture as baseball and mayonnaise on pizza.  The corresponding White Day when males return the favor of obligatory gifts is exactly one month later allowing Japanese men time to  recover from the shock of an implicitly expressed display of affection and  weigh their options.  This tradition dates as far back in Japanese history as 1978 when it was started by the National Confectionery Industry Association.  Before the adaptation of these conveniently passive western courtship rituals Japanese males were required to take a different more active approach in the pursuit of womenfolk.  It may be that more traditional Japanese women are more responsive to a more traditional courtship.

Following Mr. Sultan’s account it can be seen that Valentine’s Day is an occasion which gives opportunity to Japanese women to express their admiration towards a certain male.  And an interesting twist is the fact that men can receive as many chocolates even if they are from a number of girls.  In a way I think that this is a prevalent tradition of women confessing not only their admiration but also their love towards males.  It is a total display of affection.  Moreover Valentine’s Day in Japan is a day when females are permitted to be aggressively pursuing their love interest.Another interesting trivia is how men are given the chance to respond to the women’s confession. This is called White Day which happens exactly a month after Valentine’s Day.  And based on the description of Mr. Sultan about this event I believe that this implicitly show the high regards that men have in Japanese society.  Out of all the girls who confessed admiration to them they are given ample time to think it over and total control as to whom to choose.  This may also be attributed to the strong and prevalent patriarchal system in Japan.

II.   The Married Life

Now that we learned the dynamics of Japanese courtship let us move to its next phase – marriage.  As mentioned the low population rate in Japan may be connected to the absence of marriage.  Normally marriage binds a man and a woman in the eyes of men and God.  This signifies that these people are now ready to tie the knot and have a family of their own.  But with Japan’s current situation it is the other way around.  Assuming that there is no marriage at all then there would be no husband and wife there would be no children; hence no family.  This is a simple analysis to the domino effect brought about by the change in gender roles in Japanese society.In an article by Mr. Michael Hoffman entitled "Married or Single Japan is a Desolate Country" he gave a distinct description of traditional Japanese marriage.  According to him 

In old Japan marriage was essentially a device to produce family heirs.  That done husbands typically pursued love eros and romance in the licensed pleasure quarters while wives seethed at home in silent frustration.”   

Based on this it can be said that marriage is the key to ensure that family lineage will continue.  More than anything else Japanese values the traits of honor and pride. For them these traits must be maintained and sustained throughout generation.  Thus producing of heirs should be a top priority especially for men.  I encountered an article by Prof. Edward Norbeck entitled "Changing Japan".  In this article Dr. Norbeck discussed that 

Today marriage in Japan can be either an ‘arranged’ union or a ‘love’ match.  In theory an arranged marriage is the result of formal negotiations involving a mediator who is not a family member culminating in a meeting between the respective families including the prospective bride and groom. This is usually followed if all goes well by further meetings of the young couple and ends in an elaborate and expensive civic wedding ceremony.  In the case of a love marriage which is the preference of the majority today individuals freely establish a relationship and then approach their respective families.

In this generation I think that arranged or fixed marriage is no longer widely practiced.  People have already freed themselves from this tradition which was negatively viewed by many critics.  Liberalization of the minds is also one of the culprits for this change of perspective.  The dominanceof the concept of choice and freedom took the lead and was majorly favored.  Nevertheless the importance of marriage cannot be overlooked by the young Japanese generation.  I think that with their current condition this holds the answer to the survival of their society.

III. Why Become Herbivores?

We now know the value for family in Japan.  We are also familiar with the amusing approach of Japanese courtship.  Although we have a concrete background of these two aspects the ultimate question is still left hanging: Why do men become herbivores?
To shed light about this matter I have encountered an article by Mr. Tom Foremski entitled "Digital Girlfriends Preferred By Japan's 'Herbivore'Millennials".  In the words of Mr. Foremski 

The phenomenon emerged a few years ago with the airing of a Japanese manga-turned-TV show. The lead character in Otomen was a tall martial arts champion the king of tough-guy cool. Secretly he loved baking cakes collecting "pink sparkly things" and knitting clothes for his stuffed animals. To the tooth-sucking horror of Japan's corporate elders the show struck a powerful chord with the generation they spawned.

This statement strongly suggests that media could be a suspect with regard to the emergence of herbivore men.  As we know media in all its forms is a powerful tool to send messages across a wide scope of audience.  It is often used to create change and influence the way people see things.  Moreover Japanese popular culture of manga and anime may also have a major role in this phenomenon.Since most roads lead to media as one of the culprits for this phenomenon the Japanese also utilized media to control the situation.  I have come across an article written by Mr. Max Fisher entitled "Japan’s Sexual Apathy is Endangering the Global Economy".  According to Mr. Fisher 

There's an entire industry in Japan that helps men who eschew romantic lives cope with loneliness through relationship-simulating video games and even holiday retreats.  National programs encourage young men and women to get together and politicians often debate how to 
create more Japanese babies.” 

With this it can be concluded that a major reason for the emergence of Japanese herbivore men is really attributed to media.  I believe that media sensationalize the topic of herbivore men during the peak of its occurrence.   And with the power that media hold it was only a matter of time before these herbivores made it to the top chart.


   True enough that Japan faces a grave threat in this current generation. With the emergence of herbivore men and carnivore women one may hastily conclude that Japanese tradition of courtship and marriage I think that the young Japanese must look within themselves and appreciate the splendor of their culture. They must use their history to define their present and hopefully establish a future.